


あるアヒルの半生・前半(Bingと人による英文添削の違い 文章9)

I like birds and used to take pictures of them often at a nearby river. I don’t take any bird photos these days, but my total number of shots easily exceeds two hundred thousand. Most of them are, as the location suggests, waterfowls like …

Bingで英文添削、追加質問で理解を深める(文章8 Mobile Gear)

I previously wrote that I like writing English in a cafe using a mobile gadget. Yes, I like mobile gadgets, so today I'm going to write about my history of using them, focusing on a few memorable ones, considering the word limit of 500. Wh…

Bingで英文添削、追加質問して理解を深める(文章7 気分転換)

I'm writing this in a coffee shop on the 5th floor of a commercial building in the busy district near a big train station. The shop is full of people who seemingly have just finished the day's work at the nearby office buildings. I’m at a …




まず最初に。10年ほど前、同じタイトルのラジオ番組がNHKでありましたが、その番組についてではありません。 村上春樹はこれまで16冊英語で読んでます。わざわざ英語で読んでるのは英語を読むのが好きだからです。日本語ではエッセイを2冊読みました。 小説…

Bingで英文添削、回答に対して追加質問、(文章6 夢を見る)

I often have dreams 1) at night, or to be more precise, I remember dreams when I wake up. And 2) I love my dreams because they are often like a movie with vivid images and unexpected stories. Of course 3), not all dreams are pleasant, and …

Bingで英文添削、突っ込んだ質問、最後爆笑(文章5 うわさ話)

Just like many people do, I like dolphins, and happened to find an interesting news article about bottlenose dolphins, the most familiar species I think, while surfing the Internet the other day. According to the article, a study conducted…

Bingで英文添削(文章4 路上の鳩)

I think that when people are concentrating on doing something, they often tend to be careless about what’s going on around them. This is true for me, and also seemed the same for a bird, which I encountered on a sunny day a couple of years…

Bingで英文添削 (文章3 猫の親子)

先日、通りを歩いていたら猫が2匹、歩道の上に並んで横になっているのに気がついた。1匹は胸と足先が白い黒猫、もう1匹は銀ぶちの子猫。おそらく母猫とその子猫で、柔らかい日差しの中で昼寝をしているんだろう。 The other day, when I was walking down th…

Bingで英文スタイル変更 Ernest Hemingway風に

Bingに、2023年5月2日の英文(添削前)をErnest Hemingway風に、そしておまけで10歳の子供が書いた英文にも直してもらいました。ヘミングウェイの文章が10歳のこどもの文章よりも短くなりました。 (自作英文、添削前) The other day, while I was watching…

Bingで英文添削(文章2 水上の煌めき)

I saw an interesting sight the other day while strolling along the bank of the Higashino canal. It was a beautiful day, and I was enjoying the spring weather when, out of the corner of my eye 1), I noticed something flash on the water. I t…

Bingで英文スタイル変更 Kazuo Ishiguro 風に

Bingに、2023年5月2日の英文(文章1 新しい年、添削前)をノーベル文学賞を受賞したKazuo Ishiguro風に書き直してもらいました。 ◇◇◇◇◇ プロンプト入力) 次の英文を作家のKazuo Ishiguroが書いたような英文にしてください。 The other day, while I was wat…

Bingで英文添削(文章1 新しい年)

The other day, while I was watching TV 1), 2) and happened to see 9) saw Mt.Fuji on the screen, I recalled the New Year holidays spent at an inn by Lake Kawaguchi on at 3) the foot of the mountain. I went there with a friend by motorcycle …