

友達の先輩編集者 My Friend's Senior Editor

「先輩編集者のお墓に行かない? 尊敬してる人なの」と友達。どこにあるのか、誰のことなのかも尋ねずに「いいよ」と僕。ドライブの行き先はいつもこんな風に決まる。彼女が運転席で僕が助手席。以前の投稿で書いた松柏美術館のときと同じ。
"How about visiting the grave of my senior editor?  I respect him." said a friend.
"Okay," I said, not asking where it is or who the person is. 
The destination of our drive is always decided this way.  She was at the wheel, and I was in the passenger seat next to her.  It was also the case when we visited the Shohaku Museum, about which I wrote in a previous post.

Photo by Hakusekimatori

This time our destination, her senior editor's grave, was located halfway up a steep slope with a Japanese tea plantation in the mountainous area of Nara prefecture, commanding a view of the typical countryside surrounded by mountains.


彼女の先輩編集者の名前は、太安万侶(おおのやすまろ)、古事記の編纂者。古事記は8世紀に完成している。8世紀! なので彼女の先輩のわけがない。彼女は冗談でそう言ったと思うけど、半分本気に聞こえた。
The name of her senior editor is Ohno Yasumaro, compiler of Kojiki, Records of Ancient Japan, completed in the 8th century.  8th century!  So, he couldn't have been her senior editor.  I believe she said so jokingly, but she sounded half serious.  
"Having once been an editor for a publishing company, I look up to him and respect his great achievements," she said.  
"Okay." I didn't argue about that.

Illustration by Hakusekimatori

I believe Kojiki is well-known in Japan.  Just in case, I will introduce it briefly: it's Japan’s oldest extant chronicle, compiled in the 8th century.  It's a collection of myths, legends, and historical accounts, detailing Japanese history from its mythical origins to the early 7th century.  It provides significant insights into Japan's ancient past and its cultural development. 


According to Wikipedia, the grave of Ohno Yasumaro, compiler of Kojiki, was discovered by the Archaeological Institute of Kashihara in 1979.  They excavated his cremated remains and a metal plate with engraved letters describing him.  His grave was restored as a historic site in 1980.  It features a burial mound of 4.5m in diameter.    


During our four-hour drive, two things left a deep impression on me.  The first is that the discovery of the grave and the metal plate confirmed the existence of Ohno Yasumaro in the 8th century, and that even today we know, from this and other ancient literature describing him, where he lived and what he did. 


While it's not uncommon for a discovery to prove the existence of a person from the past, standing in front of the actual grave of such a person made me realize the power of ancient literature and documents.  I was once again impressed by the fact that a man from the 8th century is still remembered and even revered, and somehow grasped what she had said before we started our drive.


The second is the public restroom at the site.  Its exterior gives off the feel of a traditional Japanese house, while the interior is rather ordinary, but equipped with some latest features: automatic illumination by motion detectors, automatic toilet flushing, and automatic faucets.  Those are common in many buildings in downtown areas, yet I was impressed to find them in a public restroom located at such a remote historic site in the mountains.


One more thing I'd like to mention about the restroom is that I spotted a small spider on the wall and cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling and walls.  Despite the restroom being very clean and odorless, it still housed this small creature.  It might have been just a coincidence, but I was somehow pleased, feeling that the restroom harmoniously blended modern technology with a touch of nature.



I'd never thought that I would visit the tomb of Ohno Yasumaro.  He could have never imagined that he would still be remembered 1300 years after his death, let alone that his tomb site would be equipped with such a high-tech public restroom for its visitors.


(The English text is the original.)