

Bingで英文添削、追加質問して理解を深める(文章7 気分転換)

I'm writing this in a coffee shop on the 5th floor of a commercial building in the busy district near a big train station.  The shop is full of people who seemingly have just finished the day's work at the nearby office buildings.


I’m at a table by the wall, away from the windows.  I originally wanted to take a seat by the window, through which you can look down at countless car lights moving below.


I haven’t been around here for months.  It doesn’t take much time to come to this busy area, but I didn't do that because I wanted to avoid crowded places, especially after the Covid situation started.


But now that 1) the pandemic is almost over 2), and for a change of pace, I felt like going somewhere, a bit somewhat 3) busy place.  So I came here, the area around a big train station where tens of thousands of people use pass through 4) everyday.


Well, I regret coming here: there are far many 5) more people than I thought.  I was came 6) at the wrong place at the wrong time:  it’s in the middle of rush hour time for commuters.  


I had planned to hang around aimlessly, but changed my mind and decided to write something in English at a cafe.  And here I am doing this, listening to light music, which is playing low and barely audible among the noisy environment.


There's no particular theme for this writing.(lol).  I was just jotting down what pops up in my head.  So, I’m afraid this may end up a disorganized composition.  Well, whether it is organized or not, I like enjoy 7) writing something in English, especially doing so using mobile gadgets 8) outside of 9) my house. (I have carry them in my bag)


The shop is very crowded, and some are searching for a vacant seat.  I’m writing whatever comes to me just to kill time.  Occupying a seat this way at this busy cafe, possibly for a longer time, makes me feel a bit guilty.  But it should be no problem at all.  Because this cafe has many tables with an outlet, meaning they expect customers like me to come and stay longer while using their computer.


Actually, several people are doing the same with their laptops 10), one of which is a Macbook.  (Mine is a Lenovo Chromebook tablet with a bluetooth keyboard).  They were already here when I came.


(About an hour has passed)

Ta-da! 11) I’ve changed the location.  This time, a Starbucks on the 12th floor of the next building.  And the seat is by the window 12) commanding 13) a better view, which is a bit darker than it was when I was at 14)  the previous cafe, and most of the windows of 15) the nearby office buildings are already dark.


It's past 9 p.m.  I like viewing those large buildings silhouetted 16) by the starless cloudy sky, and colorful electric sign boards illuminating in the distance against the dark sky.


Oh, I just realized that 17) the my 17) word count is way over has exceeded 17) the limit of five hundred words 17).  I'll edit this jumble 18) before submitting it 18) to an English composition teacher, and it will become a bit more decent, I hope.









"I like viewing those large buildings silhouetted by the starless cloudy sky" should be changed to "I enjoy seeing the silhouettes of those large buildings against the starless cloudy sky".











1と2.★1) "But now 1) the pandemic is almost over 2)" should be changed to "But now that 1) the pandemic situation has improved 2)". now that を採用。now だけでもいいと思いますが。almost over はそのまま。改善したというよりも、ほとんど終わったと感じてるので。

3. ★採用 "a bit busy place" should be changed to "a somewhat busy place".
4. ★採用 "where tens of thousands of people use everyday" should be changed to "where tens of thousands of people pass through every day".
5. ★不採用 "there are far many more people than I thought" should be changed to "there are far more people than I thought". 

★補足)far many more people と   far more people をGooleフレーズ検索したそれぞれのヒット数

オリジナル far many more people 59,400 /Bing far more people 2900万

Bingの提案 far more のほうが圧倒的に多いですが、オリジナルのほうも6万くらいあるので、今回は不採用にしときます。でも今後は使いません(たぶん、笑)
6. ★採用 "I was at the wrong place at the wrong time" should be changed to "I came at the wrong time".
7. ★採用 "I like writing something in English" should be changed to "I enjoy writing in English".
8. 9.  8)★不採用、9)★採用 "using mobile gadgets outside of my house" should be changed to "using mobile devices outside my home". ガジェットが使いたい

10. ★)不採用 "one of which is a Macbook" should be changed to "one of them is using a Macbook". ★補足) 直前の their laptoptheir laptops に修正。追加質問参照

11. ★不採用  "Ta-da!" should be changed to "Here I am!". ★)じゃじゃーん!のつもりだけど... 少し前に here am I を使ってるし...

12. 13.12)★不採用、13) ★採用 不採用 "And the seat is by the window 12) commading 13) a better view" should be changed to "I found a seat by the window 12) with 13) a better view". ★補足) スペルミス修正 commading --> commanding   Bing はこれを with に変えたので、このスペルミスを修正しなかった?

14.  ★不採用  "which is a bit darker than it was at the previous cafe" should be changed to "which is a bit darker than the previous cafe".  追加質問参照。(2023.5.27 変更追加) it was at the cafe に when I was を挿入して it was when I was at the previous cafe にする。このほうが意味が明確。だけど冗長過ぎか。

15.  ★不採用  "and most of the windows of the nearby office buildings are already dark." should be changed to "and most of the windows in the nearby office buildings are already dark."
16.  ★不採用"I like viewing those large buildings silhouetted by the starless cloudy sky" should be changed to "I enjoy seeing the silhouettes of those large buildings against the starless cloudy sky".
17.  ★採用 "Oh, the word count is way over the limit of five hundred." should be changed to "Oh, I just realized that my word count has exceeded the limit of five hundred words."
18.  ★不採用  "I'll edit this jumble before submitting to an English composition teacher" should be changed to "I'll edit this before submitting it to my English composition teacher".  補足)jumble というほどゴチャゴチャじゃないかな...削除したほうが良さげだけど、jumble を使ってみたい(笑)。




追加質問のプロンプト)英語学習者です。次の英文について、one of which is a Mackbook. を one of them is using a Macbook. に修正する提案についてですが、which は直前のlaptopのことを指してますが、laptop が単数なので、この使い方は間違っていますか。
Actually, several people are doing the same with their laptop, one of which is a Macbook.

Bingの回答)はい、その通りです。"one of which is a Macbook" は文法的に正しい表現ですが、直前の "laptop" が複数形であるべきです。したがって、文全体を次のように修正することができます。
"Actually, several people are doing the same with their laptops, one of which is a Macbook."
"Actually, several people are doing the same with their laptops, one of them is using a Macbook."


プロンプト)英語学習者です。前の質問について。修正案のように their laptop を their laptops にした場合、一人が1台のラップトップを持っているように解釈されますか。

Bingの回答)はい、その通りです。"their laptops" という表現は、複数の人がそれぞれ1台のラップトップを持っていることを示します。したがって、文全体を次のように修正することができます。
"Actually, several people are doing the same with their laptops, one of which is a Macbook."


プロンプト)英語学習者です。次の英文で、than it was at the previous cafe を than the previous cafe に修正する提案について、it was のit は すぐ前の view を指しまが、it was at は不要ということですか、それともあったら間違いですか。
"which is a bit darker than it was at the previous cafe" 


Bingの回答)"which is a bit darker than it was at the previous cafe" という表現は文法的に正しいですが、少し冗長です。"it was" は "the view" を指していますが、この文脈では省略することができます。したがって、次のように修正することができます。
"which is a bit darker than the previous cafe"

(2023.5.27追加)it was at the previous cafe に when I was を挿入して it was when I was at the previous cafe にする。このほうが意味が明確。

it was when I was at the previus cafe について、確認のため Bingに質問したら at the previous cafe と when I was at the previus cafe は同じ意味だが、when I was があったほうがより明確になる、と回答あり。

(2023.5.27 追加ここまで)



"I like viewing those large buildings silhouetted by the starless cloudy sky" should be changed to "I enjoy seeing the silhouettes of those large buildings against the starless cloudy sky".

