



One of my blog posts received about 15,000 views in just two days.  When I first saw this number in my blog's access analysis, I couldn't understand what I was seeing. The number was so different from my usual view count.  After staring at it intently and thinking what it could be, I finally realized it was the view count for my blog.


Then, I thought that there might have been some error with Hatena's blog analysis or that this could have been caused by a cyber attack. However, both scenarios seemed unlikely, and I finally accepted that my blog had indeed received this large number of views. But why?


結論。2023年12月31日の投稿「買ってよかった2023 (Chromebook)」が、Google Discoverに表示されてました。超びっくり!Google Discoverに載るのはメディア企業やプロのライターによる記事だけだと思ってたので、なぜ私のブログの記事が?ただのいちブログに過ぎないのに。

In conclusion, I discovered that my blog post titled "Best Buy in 2023 (Chromebook) on Dec. 31st 2023" had appeared on Google Discover.  I was flabbergasted!  I had assumed that only articles written by media companies or professional writers were featured there.  Why was my blog post chosen?  After all, mine is just an ordinary blog.

Google Discover のスクリーンショット


Judging from the analytics, my post seemed to appear on Google Discover for about two days.  The view count during those days was about 15,000.  I'm thrilled that my blog post was displayed on numerous smartphone screens and received many clicks.



Now the view count has returned to my usual number.  Actually, I'm relieved to see that.  This is just a blog where I practice English writing, and I'm happy as long as I have a handful of visitors.  I don't want more than that.

アクセス解析 204年1月3日23時42分



Google Discoverについてググったら、個人や企業を問わず、ある条件を満たしたら表示される可能性がありそうですが、そのような記事はたくさんあるはずなので、実際に表示されるのはその中のほんの一部のはず。なぜ自分のブログが選ばれて表示されたのか謎です。まさしく奇跡です。笑

I googled Google Discover, and the result says that articles that meet certain criteria specified by Google have the potential to be featured on Google Discover, whether they are written by corporations or individuals.  There should be a lot of such articles, and only a few of them are selected to actually be displayed.  I have no idea why mine was chosen.  It was really a miracle that it was selected. haha


Google Discoverをご存知ない方のため。「Google Discoverは、AndroidやiOS上のGoogleアプリであり、あなたの興味に関連したコンテンツのフィードを提供します」(Googleの説明から引用)。なので、人によってGoogle Discoverのコンテンツは変わると思います。

For those who are unfamiliar with Google Discover, "Google Discover is a feature of the Google app on Android and iOS that provides a feed of content relevant to your interests". (This is a quote from Google's explanation.) So, I believe that the content on Google Discover varies from person to person.







