



I like looking at the sea.  It always makes me feel relaxed.  I’m not sure why, but I think it’s because I was born in a small fishing village and was brought up there for the first several years of my life.



The sea was always in view.  I could see it from the window of my house and from the places where I played with my friends.  They were all on the slope of a hill facing the sea.

Photo by Hakusekimatori


I believe the view of the sea is etched deep in my memory, and when I see the sea, perhaps a part of me unconsciously feels like I'm back in that old hometown of mine.



Again, I enjoy watching the sea, but I don't like swimming there, and I'm even afraid to do so, especially when the bottom is dark and invisible. 



I can’t help imagining that, in the darkness below, something is lurking, waiting to pull me down into the deep.  I can see myself raising one arm for air toward the surface with my eyes open in terror, being dragged and sinking to the bottom.


この恐怖は物心ついたときからある。親の話では、2歳のときに溺れて死にかけたということなので、それが海に対する、この強い恐怖心の理由だと思う。なので、深くて底が見えない海には入ったことがない。”Once bitten, twice shy." 一度痛い思いをすると二度と同じことをしない、ということか。

I've had this fear for as long as I can remember.  My parents said I almost drowned at age two, which I believe is why I have this strong fear of being in the sea.  And I’ve never been in the sea where the water was so deep that I couldn't see the bottom.   It’s like “Once bitten, twice shy.”

"Once bitten, twice shy." というフレーズは知りませんでした。でも、「犬に噛まれたら、将来、犬が怖くなる」のような意味の英語表現があるはずだと思ったので、

I didn't know the phrase "Once bitten, twice shy,"   But I thought there must be some expression in English that expresses the following:  if someone has been bitten by a dog, they are more likely to be afraid of dogs in the future.



So I asked Google Bard and Microsoft Bing if they knew of such one.   Bingo!  They did and let me know this "Once bitten, twice shy."

Unfortunately, there is no common expression or proverb in Japanese that matches this English phrase.  Bard and Bing just translated it into ordinary sentences. 


(2023.8.6 追記 『羹に懲りて膾を吹く』(あつさに懲りてなます吹く)「ある失敗に懲りて、必要以上に用心深くなり無意味な心配をすることのたとえ」。この投稿を読んでくれた方に教えていただきました。ありがとうございます。


I also asked Bard and Bing to title this short essay.  I chose this one "The Sea: A Love and Fear" from several candidates they made.  I’m not sure if this title is the best, but I still chose this since I love that it sounds a bit funny.   I just added "haha" to the title.







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