

地震の夢 (Bardで英文添削)


I often had dreams about earthquakes for several years after I experienced a major one, which took place about thirty years ago and destroyed hundreds of thousands of buildings.  And the last time I had such a dream was more than twenty years ago, but I still remember vividly every detail of it vividly.



I was in a room on the top floor of the tallest skyscraper in the city.  The room had a huge panoramic window that overlooked millions of city lights below, which looked like numerous fallen stars on the ground.  



I was gazing at that glittering night view, entranced, when abruptly strong jolts began.  



But for some reason, I somehow  felt familiar with those shaking sensations, and somehow knew the skyscraper would soon fall down into the sea of lights.  



Strangely calm, holding my breath, I waited for the moment when the floor would stop shaking and then start making its one way trip to the sea of lights, and then to the ground.   

photo by Hakusekimatori





以下は、AI(ChatGPT、Microsoft Bing、Google Bardなど)を使った英文添削に興味のある方向けの内容です。この記事ではGoogleのBardを使っています。














文末の  to the ground を to the ocean に変えて意味がおかしくなるようにした上で、いじわるなプロンプト、



★補足)予想通り、to the ocean についての指摘はありませんでした。文中に numerous fallen stars on the ground を入れてるので、街の明かりが地上にあるとわかるのでto the ocean に倒れ込むのは不自然です。また、このビルが海岸付近に立っているとしても、まず光の海(街の明かりのこと、地上にある)に、そして次に海に倒れ込むのは、やはり不自然です(そういう英文にしました、いじわる、笑) to the sea of numerous lights, and then to the ocean )

to the ocean の指摘はありませんでしたが、文章の改善について提案が3箇所ありました。いずれも参考になる内容でした。追加質問2の回答案1参照)





This dream could be interpreted as a way for the author to process the trauma of the earthquake they experienced in real life. この夢は、実際に経験した地震のトラウマへの対処方法と解釈できる。(they になってるのは、この文章では、the author の性別が不明のため)



文末のあたり、making its one way trip to(への往路)を falling to (に向かって倒れる)と修正提案している。この文章ではそういう意味で正しい提案だが、一般的にはそんな意味はない。なぜ、falling to を提案できた? すぐ前に fall down to があるから?(Bardの回答案1の14)



追加質問プロンプト)somehowfor some reason の違いを教えてください。
「somehow」と「for some reason」はどちらも「なぜか」を意味しますが、ニュアンスの違いがあります。

somehow」は、理由を説明できないほど漠然とした理由で何かが起こったときに使われます。例えば、「I somehow managed to finish the project on time」は、「なぜかプロジェクトを期限までに終わらせることができた」という意味です。

for some reason」は、理由は分かっているが明確に説明できない理由で何かが起こったときに使われます。例えば、「I don't know why, but I feel like I've seen this movie before」は、「なぜかこの映画を見たことがあるような気がする」という意味です。


★補足)大地震を経験したことと関係してるはずだし、somehow が2つ連続しているので、ここでは for some reason を採用。










Sure, here are the uncommon expressions in the text and their corrected versions:

1. "experienced a major one" can be replaced with "experienced a big one" or "experienced a major earthquake". 
2. "took place about thirty years ago" can be replaced with "happened about thirty years ago".
3. "destroyed tens of thousands of buildings" can be replaced with "destroyed many buildings" or "caused a lot of damage".
4. "And the last time I had such a dream was more than twenty years ago" can be replaced with "I haven't had such a dream in more than twenty years". 提案のほうが一般的な感じがするけど、今回は不採用。
5. "but I still remember vividly every detail of it" can be replaced with "but I still remember it very clearly".
6. "the room had a huge panoramic window" can be replaced with "the room had a large window with a panoramic view".
7. "which overlooked millions of city lights below" can be replaced with "which overlooked the city below, with millions of lights twinkling". 提案のほうが良い感じだけど不採用。ここを変えると、この後も修正が必要になるので変えたくない。
8. "which looked like numerous fallen stars on the ground" can be replaced with "which looked like a sea of stars".
9. "I was gazing at that glittering night view, entranced" can be replaced with "I was admiring the view of the city at night, mesmerized". ここは admire できるような精神状態ではない。entranced と mesmerized の違いは追加質問1を参照

10. "when abruptly strong jolts began" can be replaced with "when suddenly, there were strong jolts". 始まった、と言いたい。
11. ★採用)"But I somehow felt familiar with those shaking sensations" can be replaced with "But for some reason, I felt like I knew what was happening". 揺れの感覚をfamilarに感じた、と言いたい。somehowfor some reason の違い。今日のポイント5を参照 (画面↑)
12. "and somehow knew the skyscraper would soon fall down into the sea of lights" can be replaced with "and I knew that the skyscraper was going to fall". 光の海に倒れ込む、と言いたい。
13. "Strangely calm, I waited for the moment when the floor would stop shaking" can be replaced with "I waited calmly for the shaking to stop". なぜか冷静、strangely が言いたいポイント。
14. "and then start making its one way trip to the sea of numerous lights, and then to the ground" can be replaced with "and then start falling to the ground".  一方向に動き出す、の意味がここでは fall の意味なことがわかった?今日のポイント4を参照↑)

These are just some suggestions, and there may be other ways to correct these expressions. It is important to use the most natural and appropriate language for your audience.



Sure, here are the uncommon expressions in the given text, along with their corrected versions:

1. "experienced a major one" can be replaced with "experienced a major earthquake"
2. "which took place about thirty years ago and destroyed tens of thousands of buildings" can be replaced with "which took place thirty years ago and destroyed over 10,000 buildings"
3. "And the last time I had such a dream was more than twenty years ago, but I still remember vividly every detail of it." can be replaced with "The last time I had such a dream was twenty years ago, and I still remember every detail vividly."
4. "I was in a room on the top floor of the tallest skyscraper in the city." can be  replaced with "I was in a room on the top floor of the city's tallest skyscraper."
5. "The room had a huge panoramic window that overlooked millions of city lights below, which looked like numerous fallen stars on the ground." can be replaced with "The room had a huge panoramic window that overlooked the city below, with millions of city lights twinkling like fallen stars." 修正案のほうが良いけど不採用。ground を文中に入れたい。the city が海上ではなく地上にあることを明示するため。今日のポイント2を参照 (↑画面)
6. "I was gazing at that glittering night view, entranced, when abruptly strong jolts began." can be replaced with "I was gazing at the glittering night view, mesmerized, when suddenly there were strong jolts." 揺れが始まった、と言いたい。entranced と mesmerized の違い、追加質問1参照
7. "But I somehow felt familiar with those shaking sensations, and somehow knew the skyscraper would soon fall down into the sea of lights." can be replaced with "But I somehow recognized those shaking sensations, and I somehow knew the skyscraper would soon fall into the sea of lights below." 揺れをfamilarに感じたと言いたい
8. "Strangely calm, I waited for the moment when the floor would stop shaking and then start making its one way trip to the sea of numerous lights, and then to the ground." can be replaced with "Strangely calm, I waited for the floor to stop shaking and then begin its one-way journey to the sea of lights, and then to the ground." 揺れが止まる「瞬間」を待っていた、と言いたい。

I hope this helps!



Here are the uncommon expressions in the given English text, along with their corrected versions:

1. "experienced a major one" can be replaced with "experienced a major earthquake"
2. "took place about thirty years ago" can be replaced with "occurred thirty years ago"
3. "destroyed tens of thousands of buildings" can be replaced with "caused the destruction of tens of thousands of buildings"
4. "the last time I had such a dream was more than twenty years ago" can be replaced with "I had the dream more than twenty years ago"
5. ★採用)"but I still remember vividly every detail of it" can be replaced with "but I still remember every detail of it vividly"
6. "the room had a huge panoramic window that overlooked millions of city lights below" can be replaced with "the room had a huge panoramic window that overlooked the city below, with millions of city lights twinkling below"
7. "which looked like numerous fallen stars on the ground" can be replaced with "which looked like a sea of fallen stars"
8. "I was gazing at that glittering night view, entranced" can be replaced with "I was gazing at the glittering night view, mesmerized"
9. "when abruptly strong jolts began" can be replaced with "when suddenly, there were strong jolts"
10. "But I somehow felt familiar with those shaking sensations" can be replaced with "But for some reason, I felt familiar with the shaking sensations"
11. "and somehow knew the skyscraper would soon fall down into the sea of lights" can be replaced with "and somehow knew the skyscraper would soon fall into the sea of lights below"
12. "Strangely calm, I waited for the moment when the floor would stop shaking and then start making its one way trip to the sea of numerous lights, and then to the ground" can be replaced with "Strangely calm, I waited for the floor to stop shaking and then start its one-way journey to the sea of lights below"



追加質問 1.

プロンプト)entrancedmesmerized の違いを押してください。



entranced」は、何かに夢中になって、周りのことが見えなくなるような状態を表します。例えば、「I was entranced by the magician's performance.」と言えば、「私はマジシャンのパフォーマンスに魅了された。」という意味になります。

mesmerized」は、何かに完全に支配されて、自分の意志では動けなくなるような状態を表します。例えば、「I was mesmerized by the snake charmer's music.」と言えば、「私は蛇使いの音楽に魅了された。」という意味になります。



追加質問 2. 

プロンプト)次の英文について、意味上、内容上、論理上に間違いや矛盾がないか教えてください。あれば、その箇所を指摘してください。(★次の英文とは、文末の to the ground を to the ocean に変更して意味不明になった英文)(★今日のポイント2を参照


The English text is grammatically correct and makes sense. There are no logical contradictions. Here are some minor errors that could be corrected:

* "And the last time I had such a dream was more than twenty years ago, but I still remember vividly every detail of it." This sentence could be improved by changing the word order to "I still remember vividly every detail of the dream I had more than twenty years ago."
* "The room had a huge panoramic window that overlooked millions of city lights below, which looked like numerous fallen stars on the ground." This sentence could be improved by adding a comma after "window" and changing the word "which" to "that."
* "But I somehow felt familiar with those shaking sensations, and somehow knew the skyscraper would soon fall down into the sea of lights." This sentence could be improved by adding a comma after "sensations" and changing the word "somehow" to "I."

Overall, the English text is well-written and easy to understand.



The English text you provided is grammatically correct and does not contain any logical errors. However, there is one minor error in the sentence "And the last time I had such a dream was more than twenty years ago, but I still remember vividly every detail of it." The word "such" should be replaced with "that" to make the sentence grammatically correct.

Here is the corrected sentence:

And the last time I had that dream was more than twenty years ago, but I still remember vividly every detail of it.

Other than this minor error, the text is well-written and easy to understand. The author clearly conveys the feeling of calmness and acceptance that they experienced in their dream, despite the fact that they knew the skyscraper was about to fall. This dream could be interpreted as a way for the author to process the trauma of the earthquake they experienced in real life. The dream may be helping the author to come to terms with the fact that earthquakes are a natural disaster that can happen at any time, and that there is nothing they can do to prevent them. The dream may also be providing the author with a sense of peace and acceptance, knowing that they are not alone in their experience and that others have survived similar tragedies.



The English text you provided is grammatically correct and free of any logical errors. The meaning of the text is also clear and easy to understand. However, there are a few minor errors that could be corrected to improve the overall quality of the text.

For example, in the sentence "And the last time I had such a dream was more than twenty years ago, but I still remember vividly every detail of it," the word "vivid" should be capitalized, as it is an adjective. Additionally, in the sentence "But I somehow felt familiar with those shaking sensations, and somehow knew the skyscraper would soon fall down into the sea of lights," the word "somehow" is used twice in a row, which can be repetitive. It would be better to replace the second instance of "somehow" with a different word, such as "unconsciously" or "intuitively."

Overall, the English text is well-written and easy to understand. However, there are a few minor errors that could be corrected to improve the overall quality of the text.