


I was once into bird photography for a couple of years.  During that time, I witnessed many unforgettable moments.  Some of them were about a pair of domestic ducks in the nearby river.  Their love story was filled with both happy and sad moments, and I still clearly remember them.  I have written their story here.

photo by Hakusekimatori

Today, I'm going to write a funny, but at the same time, not-funny-at-all story.  It will be a short and simple one.


While taking pictures of sea birds on the beach, I got a gift from a bird flying low over me.  It was a cormorant.  Cormorants are big birds, much bigger than crows.  They look much like the birds you see in "cormorant fishing," where fishermen use them to catch fish in the river.
I was taking pictures of birds feeding on the water's edge where the waves were breaking, when I felt something like a water balloon hit and burst on my head.  I looked up to see several cormorants flying away, and was horrified by what I immediately understood must have happened.  I snatched a handkerchief from my pocket, put it softly on my head, and checked the splotch on it to confirm my fear.  I had previously witnessed cormorants relieving themselves copiously, so I could guess at the extent of the problem.  Imagining my hair and back were messy with the gift, or droppings, I screamed, only in my mind though.

photo by Hakusekimatori

Luckily, I went there by car that day and could go home without being seen by anyone.  I sometimes went there by train.  If I had done so, I would have had no choice but to stand or sit with my back close to the door or windows on the train, hoping other passengers wouldn't notice the mess.  But what about the smell? (haha)







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I was once into ..以下、オリジナルの英文

Years ago, I developed a fascination with photographing birds, an avocation that lasted for a couple of years. During that time, I witnessed countless unforgettable scenes and experiences. One particularly memorable story involved a pair of domestic ducks who resided in the nearby river. Their tale, filled with both joy and sorrow, remains etched in my memory to this day. You can find that story written here.

Today, I present a different kind of experience: a comical incident, albeit one with humor as dubious as its punchline. It's a brief and straightforward story.



