

Lessons in Chemistry (邦題 レッスンinケミストリー)

今日(9月25日)やっとボニー・ガルムスの"Lessons in Chemistry"を読み終わりました。読み始めたのは、お気に入りのブログでこの本のことを知って、そのレビューを読んだ7月下旬です。

Finally, I finished reading "Lessons in Chemistry" by Bonnie Garmus today (25th of September).  I started reading it in late July, right after I first learned about the book on one of my favorite blog sites, where the blog owner writes reviews of the book.


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When I learned about this book, I was simultaneously reading three paperbacks in English: a mystery by Patricia Cornwel and two stories by Haruki Murakami.  I was almost finished with one of Murakami's, and I was wondering what book to read next. 



My favorite genres are mysteries and science fiction, but I was in the mood of reading a story from a different genre, so I chose to read this book because the blog owner highly recommended it.



I was very thankful to the blog owner.  The book was much better than I had expected, and the further I read into the story, the more I was drawn to it.  I really enjoyed it, and I also recommend it to anyone looking for something to read.



About the story: It is set in the U.S. in the 1960s, when society viewed women differently than it does today.  To put it simply, society, or men in other words, didn’t treat women as fully-capable, independent human beings.  



The protagonist, a very talented chemist, simply tried to live as an independent human being, which caused her to have hard times.



I got irritated whenever she was treated unfairly just because she was a woman, and felt angry when she was forced to leave the institution she belonged to because of the misdeed her male supervisor did to her.  What an awful society the U.S. was in the 1960s!  (I wondered what the situation around women was in Japan at that time.)



The story has some bad events like that, but overall it did not give me a sense of depression.  Instead, it gave me kind of positive feelings thanks to the protagonist’s actions backed by her strong belief that men and women are equal. 



I sometimes re-read my favorite book two or three times.  This one goes into that list.





Mysteries are about discovering who the criminal is.  The story unfolds within that framework, and the suspense of wondering who it is keeps you turning the pages.  This story is not a mystery and does not have that element, but it still made me want to read further for different reasons.  



The biggest reason is that the protagonist and other main characters are  well-developed.  Another reason is that, at every turn of the story’s new development, I always wondered what would happen to those characters. 





It took me about two months to finish reading this book.  I don’t read much (at most two hours a week), and I read multiple books at the same time, so it takes me a long time to finish reading one book.  The mystery by Patricia Cornwell that I mentioned earlier in this post, I finished it a week ago.  I had been reading it for several months (haha).  






AmazonのKindle版で読みました。翻訳本は(まだ)出てないようです。動画はApple TV+ で「レッスンinケミストリー」のタイトルで秋公開予定という記事を見つけました。YouTubeで予告編が見れます(英語のみ)



「Lessons in Chemistry という物語のペーパーバック版の表紙を描いてください。」

