



I sometimes start my short essay with the phrase  "I'm writing this at …"  As it suggests, it's not rare that I write my essay outside of my home, such as at a coffee shop or a public space with tables and chairs, like the city community center I mentioned in the previous post. 

photo by Hakusekimatori


In fact, again today, I'm writing this at a table in the vending machine area of a large supermarket in my neighborhood.  It has about ten tables for two to four people, serving as a rest spot for shoppers.  I sometimes use this area after I shop here, but only when the tables are almost empty.


「今、...で書いてます」のフレーズで始まらないエッセイを含めて、多くは家の外で書いていて、中には部分的にですが勤務時間中に書いたのもあります。勤務中! いったいどうやって。

Many of my essays, including those without the phrase "I'm writing this at …," in their opening are created outside of my home.  Some of them were even created, only in part, during my working hours.  Working hours!  How could I do that?



The answer lies in the bathroom (haha).  I sometimes write something on my smartphone there.  I make sentences while walking in the building, and type them in the bathroom before I forget them. 



And not only while at work, I also do the same anywhere, anytime: making sentences while walking and typing them wherever I can stop to do so.  Of course, it's not that I always do this.  I only do it when I feel like it.  The total amount of time I spend on this is not so much.



What I do at home about my essay is to check it with AI on my PC.  The device's large screen and keyboard make that work easier.



This writing is made possible by using Google Docs.  Documents created with it are accessible from a smartphone, tablet, PC or Mac.  Transferring these documents from one device to another is not necessary.  On whichever device with the same Google account,  you can continue to write a document from where you left it.  Probably, many of you already know or use Google Docs, so I didn't need to mention this feature of  Google Docs, did I?



Oh, I almost forgot.  I also translate into Japanese while I'm out.















その1 AIでチェック後、はてなの投稿画面にチェック済の英文をコピーしてから英文をさらに修正することが多いです。その時に、修正した英文自体が間違っている、ひとつの箇所を修正したら他の箇所も修正が必要なのにそれを忘れる。あるいは、単純な入力ミス。(こうした修正をした後、再度AIでチェックすることもありますが、しないこともあります)

その2 AIが間違った修正をする、あるいは、修正すべき箇所を修正しない。これに私が気がつかないまま投稿。



AI(Microsoft Copilot)が見つけられなかった誤りの例

その1 2024-02-13の「浜辺にて」から

I was taking pictures of birds feeding on the water's edge where the waves were breaking, when I felt something like a water balloon hit and burst on my head.  I looked up to see several cormorants flying away, and was horrified by what I immediately understood must have happened.  I snatched a handkerchief from my pocket, put it softly on my head, and checked the splotch on it to confirm my fear.  I had previously witnessed cormorants relieving themselves copiously, so I could guess at the extent of the problem.  Imagining my hair and back were messy with the gift, or droppings, I screamed, only in my mind though.

当初 had ではなく have にしてましたが、AIはここを修正しませんでした。自分で気がついて直しました。これまで見てきたAIの間違いは、文脈を人間のようには理解できないことが原因になってます。



I'm writing this at a table in the city community center near my usual railway station.  The center is located on the third floor of the building and has several conference rooms for individuals and companies, as well as about ten tables for four to eight people by the glass window wall. 

photo by Hakusekimatori

The center is open till 10pm, and it's eight now, with only a couple of people, including me, remaining.  I came here around 6pm, and at that time, there were many high school students occupying most of the tables, studying earnestly. 


I was impressed by these students.  I believe that when high school students sit at the same table to study together, they usually chat, with textbooks merely open on their tables.  However they didn't.  Instead, they created a very quiet atmosphere, except for occasional short conversations.


I guess they were students from the high school near the railway station.  It is an academically excellent school, and I believe that they also study hard at home, just as they did here in the center, striving to get into top universities.


Looking back on my high school days, I didn't study much.  I only crammed a few days before each end-of-term exam, and I started preparing for the university entrance exams about six months in advance.


During my high school days, I spent most of my free time with friends or pursuing my hobbies, such as practicing the guitar.  I even had lessons from a professional blues guitarist for about a year.  He had released several records and was well-known among local blues fans.


I cherish those good old memories of friends and hobbies from my high school days.  Of course, not all the memories are pleasant, and there were some worries that I couldn't cope with by myself.  However, those worries and occasional unfortunate incidents were alleviated by spending time with friends and immersing myself in activities I enjoyed.


I know it's not my place, but looking at the student next to me facing his textbooks, studying diligently, I just hoped that he, and the other students in the community center as well, have close friends or absorbing hobbies besides studying hard, and that they are creating wonderful memories with them.










Several times a year, I go to Kobe, or more specifically, to my old stomping ground, the busiest part of the city, and stop by my favorite stand-and-eat noodle restaurant there. 

photo by Hakusekimatori


The restaurant is halfway between a railway station and a city library, and when I lived in Kobe, I would often drop by that restaurant for a quick bite before spending some time reading books at the library.



I started to frequent the restaurant not because of the taste, but because of its location, quick service, and cheap prices.  My favorite item was soba noodles with shrimp tempura and an egg on top.  The taste was far from the best, but I came to like it while frequenting the place for years.



When I go back to Kobe, I always have a strong desire to eat those soba noodles at that restaurant, and if time allows, I go there and order the same menu as before.



There seem to be better noodle restaurants around, but I'm not interested in them.  That's because eating my once usual menu at my once usual restaurant somehow makes me feel like I'm back to where I belong, which is worth more than having better dishes.




Kobe is the place where I spent the best time of my personal life and work.  I hope that my remaining years, which I believe are still many, will be good here, but it seems to be difficult that I can make them better than those spent in Kobe.



I'm thankful that I can say my life in Kobe was not bad as a whole, despite some tough experiences like the Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake.  Such tough times, along with the many good ones, make me feel that those years spent in Kobe have become cherished memories, and that these memories add some stability to my current state of mind.  I'm thankful to have such a place and such memories.









その2.AIの英文添削・修正での間違いについて。AIは人間のようには文脈を理解しないので、それがための間違いをすることがあります。その例を今回のGoogle Geminiによる修正文で示します。


Google Gemini(旧Google Bard)の修正英文



Several times a year, I make a pilgrimage to Kobe, specifically to the bustling heart of the city, my old stomping ground. There, tucked away between a bustling railway station and a grand city library, lies my favorite stand-and-eat noodle restaurant.


When I lived in Kobe, this restaurant was my go-to spot for a quick bite before diving into books at the library. It wasn't the taste that initially drew me in, but the convenient location, fast service, and affordable prices. My signature order: soba noodles with shrimp tempura and a sunny-side-up egg. While the taste wasn't the best in the city, frequenting this place for years instilled a fondness in me.


Now, whenever I return to Kobe, a strong craving for that specific soba noodle pulls me back to the familiar restaurant. If time permits, I indulge in the same menu, reliving the experience.


While other, fancier noodle restaurants might exist nearby, I'm unfazed. Savoring my usual dish at my usual haunt evokes a profound sense of belonging, a feeling that transcends mere culinary pleasure.

私の補足:オリジナルでは my once usual menu ... my once usual restarurant で「昔よく通った店でよく食べたメニュー」と過去のことを言ってるのに、この文では過去を示していないし、a sense of belonging(帰属感) が何に対してなのかも示していない)


Kobe was the stage for the best years of my young adulthood, both personally and professionally. While I hope my remaining years, I trust plentiful, will be good, they're unlikely to surpass the magic of Kobe.

(私の補足:my young adulthood となっているのは当初私のオリジナルでは my younger self にしていたから。投稿時に現状のただの I に変更)


Despite the challenges I faced, like the harrowing Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake, I can confidently say that my life in Kobe was good overall. The blend of good times and tough experiences has woven those years into cherished memories, forming a solid foundation for my present state of mind.

(私の補足 : 最後の1文がないのは、投稿時に追加したからです)





I was once into bird photography for a couple of years.  During that time, I witnessed many unforgettable moments.  Some of them were about a pair of domestic ducks in the nearby river.  Their love story was filled with both happy and sad moments, and I still clearly remember them.  I have written their story here.

photo by Hakusekimatori

Today, I'm going to write a funny, but at the same time, not-funny-at-all story.  It will be a short and simple one.


While taking pictures of sea birds on the beach, I got a gift from a bird flying low over me.  It was a cormorant.  Cormorants are big birds, much bigger than crows.  They look much like the birds you see in "cormorant fishing," where fishermen use them to catch fish in the river.
I was taking pictures of birds feeding on the water's edge where the waves were breaking, when I felt something like a water balloon hit and burst on my head.  I looked up to see several cormorants flying away, and was horrified by what I immediately understood must have happened.  I snatched a handkerchief from my pocket, put it softly on my head, and checked the splotch on it to confirm my fear.  I had previously witnessed cormorants relieving themselves copiously, so I could guess at the extent of the problem.  Imagining my hair and back were messy with the gift, or droppings, I screamed, only in my mind though.

photo by Hakusekimatori

Luckily, I went there by car that day and could go home without being seen by anyone.  I sometimes went there by train.  If I had done so, I would have had no choice but to stand or sit with my back close to the door or windows on the train, hoping other passengers wouldn't notice the mess.  But what about the smell? (haha)







前の投稿でBardの修正した英文と比べて私の英文が拙く思えると書きましたが、それを以下に示します。ちなみに、AI(Google BardやMicrosoft Bing)によっても、また同じAIでもチェックの依頼の仕方によっても回答、つまり修正提案がかなり変わります。



I was once into ..以下、オリジナルの英文

Years ago, I developed a fascination with photographing birds, an avocation that lasted for a couple of years. During that time, I witnessed countless unforgettable scenes and experiences. One particularly memorable story involved a pair of domestic ducks who resided in the nearby river. Their tale, filled with both joy and sorrow, remains etched in my memory to this day. You can find that story written here.

Today, I present a different kind of experience: a comical incident, albeit one with humor as dubious as its punchline. It's a brief and straightforward story.








It was cold and a little bit windy today.  The weather was not ideal for taking a walk, but I decided to go out because I enjoy walking and believe it's a good way to stay healthy.



I went to the nearby river for the first time in a month or so, and while I was walking along the riverside path, I saw an elderly man with a plastic bag in his hand feeding a cat, which seemed to have came out from the bushes on one side of the path.

photo by Hakusekimatori


As I passed the man and the cat, glancing sideways at them, he started to call for someone, or actually, another stray cat.  I noticed it several meters ahead hiding in the grass on one side of the path, seemingly alarmed by me. It was clear that it recognized the man and wanted to approach him. So, I tried not to scare it away by walking on the opposite side. Seeing me at a safe distance, the cat started to run towards him.



Looking back at the man and the two cats, I felt a little relieved thinking that the stray cats around here will be able to survive as long as someone like him continues to feed them.  There should be more people who feed cats on this riverside path.  In fact, I've seen such people around there.  I guess they live very near the river.



I have also fed cats, not just once, but not on this riverside path.  I remember clearly feeding stray cats that were at a corner of a construction site.  I gave food to a mother cat and her two kittens.  I happened to have some food in my bag, so I placed it on the ground in front of them. But the mother was staring at me, staying still. The kittens came close to the food and started to eat. It was after a while that the mother did the same.



Seeing the mother let her kittens eat first, I was moved by her behavior.  Maybe it was not love for her kittens, but just an animal instinct to ensure the survival of her offspring, but whatever it was, the mother thought first of her kittens.



In another incident, on my way home from my usual train station, I fed a cat that abruptly appeared in front of me from the roadside hedge of an office building meowing loudly and desperately. The cat was dirty and thin, clearly starving. This time also, I happened to have some food in my bag and gave it to the cat. I thought that if I didn't feed the cat, it might not have survived for a few more days. The cat seemed to be in such poor condition.



Since I came across that cat, I haven't seen thin cats in and around the places I usually walk. It's probably because some houses leave some food in front of their front doors or nearby, and it's not rare to see that some food is left in the food trays.  Judging from that, cats around here seem to have enough food.



The number of cats I see in my vicinity has not increased for years as far as I'm aware, and I haven't seen stray kittens for several years. I guess the cats I see around my neighborhood are perhaps so-called "community cats," which are managed by the community (volunteers), like receiving spay surgery.



I don't personally know anyone who is annoyed by stray cats, but I have read or watched some articles or TV shows that mention people being bothered by them. Some articles say that "Community cats" activity reduced the number of stray cats, which is great, but as long as there are people who abandon their cats, the number of stray cats and the problems caused by them will not be reduced to zero.  No one knows what will happen in the future, even tomorrow.  I guess that whoever abandoned their cats might have no choice but to do so because of an unexpected incident,



My favorites YouTube videos include those by YouTubers who picked up stray cats, or those who adopt cats from animal shelters.  Those cats experienced very bad times, but after they found a new owner they seem to be really happy.  I hope as many unhappy stray cats as possible have a better change in their life like those of the YouTube videos I watch.






私の書く英文は平易な語や表現ばかりなので、ひょっとしたらネイティブには大人の書いた英文には感じられないのではないかと思って、AI (Microsoft BingとGoogle Bard)に尋ねてみました。結果はこのあとすぐ!(笑)


Microsoft Bingの回答)あなたの英文は非常に上手で、成熟した英語話者が書いたと感じられます。文法、語彙、表現の選択など、全体的に高いレベルの英語能力を示しています。特に年齢を推測するのは難しいですが、あなたの英文は十分に大人が書いたと感じられます。素晴らしい英語力をお持ちですね!

Google Bardの回答)(細かい説明省略)

Overall, the 英文 demonstrates competence in English and exhibits writing characteristics typically associated with adults.







"The Elephant Vanishes" by Haruki Murakami and People in Osaka

I'm not saying that Haruki Mukakami, the author of "The Elephant Vanishes," is from Osaka.  He was born in Kyoto and went to elementary, junior high, and high school respectively in Nishinomiya, Ashiya, and Kobe cities, all near Osaka city though.  After graduating from high school, he moved to Tokyo for a university.  He has never lived in Osaka, but her mother was a daughter of a merchant in Osaka.  And, people from Osaka didn't appear in the novel.


So, why did I title this post like that?  What connection does the novel have with people in Osaka?  Let me explain.

画像 by Microsoft Bing

The novel had two main characters, a young man and a young woman, besides the vanished elephant and its keeper.  The man worked for an electrical appliances company and the woman was an editor for a magazine for young wives.  They met at the party the man's company held to promote its new products.  The man was responsible for publicity, and the woman was there to get some material for her magazine. 


They talked with each other about various things besides their jobs, and it is through some of these topics that I found a connection between the novel and people in Osaka. 


These topics were their house rents and their salaries.  They talked about these topics when they met for the first time.  When I read this part, I felt something was off, because I don't think that people usually talk about these topics in such a situation.  So Why did they choose them?


The other day, I happened to find the answer while watching Youtube videos featuring people in Osaka.  The videos are from a TV program called "Himitsu No Kenmin Show," which humorously highlights some characteristics of people living in each prefecture of Japan.  The episodes I watched mentioned that young people in Osaka talk about their salaries even when they first met on a date or group date, and that people there casually talk about their house rents.


That reminded me that I myself sometimes talked about my house rent and my salary when I lived in Kobe in my twenties.  I occasionally went on group dates with girls, some from Osaka and its neighboring cities like Amagsaki and Nishinomiya.  Perhaps, not only people in Osaka but also those in these areas share similar tendencies.


I don't think that Murakami Haruki himself talked about his house rent or salary with anyone, because he was still in elementary, junior high and high school living with his family until he moved to Tokyo for a university.  I believe, however, he was aware that people talked about these topics, or he heard people around him doing that.   So he found it usual for young people to talk about their house rents and their salaries, and incorporated this into his novel.


I think that if he knew that people typically don't choose such topics when they first meet, he wouldn't have made his character choose them in the situation.


I could be completely wrong.  It might be that Haruki Murakami had his characters talk about their house rents and their salaries even though he knew it was not common outside of Osaka and its neighboring cities.   If so, I have no idea what his intention was in doing so.




「象の消滅」は村上春樹の代表的な短編小説です。「象の消滅 短篇選集1980-1991」に収録。








Google Bardの回答)


Micrososoft Bing の回答)



画像は Microsoft Bingに作ってもらいました。スペル無茶苦茶です(笑)


In my previous post, I wrote about my trip to Kyoto, where I met an old friend who lives there.  We had a great time together, visiting places like the Shohaku Museum, which exhibits works by my favorite painter, Shoen Uemura, and other artists in the Japanese painting style.


I really enjoyed that day, but there were two things I regret.  They both occurred when I gave directions to a foreign tourist at Kintetsu Kyoto station.


While buying a ticket, I noticed a middle-aged man with blond hair looking intently up at the large Kintetsu route map on the wall.  He seemed to be having trouble finding out which train line to take  (the network is quite complex).


Seeing his troubled expression as he continued to study the route map for a couple of minutes, I decided to help him find the right train.


ここで最初の後悔事案が発生。"Hello"とか何にも言わずいきなり"Where are you going?"(どちらへ?)と話しかけてしまいました。それまでにその男性とは目が2、3回合ってたのでその男性は話かけられるのを期待してるはずだと思い、そうした言葉はいらないと思ったわけです。でも今思えば、やはり"Hello"とかで話し始めるべきでした。
The first thing I regret occurred at this moment.  I started off by asking him "Where are you going?" without even saying "Hello" or "Hi, there."  I didn't think those phrases were necessary, because our eyes had already met a few times before I spoke to him and I assumed he was expecting me to talk to him.   Thinking back, however, I should have started the conversation with "Hello!" or something similar. 


2つめの後悔は、男性が"Thank you, thank you"と言ってその場を去るときに、その言葉に何も返答せず、笑顔もなく、ただ頷き返しただけなこと。無愛想、というか失礼な印象を与えてその男性の気分を害してしまったかもしれません。"No problem.  Have a nice trip!"(たいしたことじゃないです。いいご旅行を)などと笑顔で返すべきでした。
The second regretful thing occurred when he said to me "Thank you, thank you." and left.  In response, I merely nodded back at him without saying anything or smiling.  I'm afraid that I may have come across as blunt or even rude, possibly offending him.  I should have responded with something like, "No problem.  Have a nice trip!" with a smile.


Why did I behave like that?  Well, I think that  there are two reasons: first, I impulsively started talking to him when I was certain he was in trouble.  I should have rehearsed what to say in my mind first.  Second, as far as I remember, I hadn't spoken English at all for three years and had forgotten how to talk politely.


Actually, I handled those aspects well when I gave directions to a foreigner in downtown Nagoya four years ago.  This was because at that time I was taking online English speaking lessons, which I quit three years ago, though.


Now, I'm considering taking online English speaking lessons again.  Perhaps AI can help me practice speaking English a lot, just as it helps me write English.  If I still feel like doing that in, say, two weeks, then I'll seriously consider taking those lessons provided by AI. (haha)


(That being said, I know I'll lose interest in taking those lessons in two weeks. haha.)






AI(Microsoft Bing)への質問

英語学習者です。例えば、I gave directions to a foreign tourist.  について、正しい電車や乗り換え駅などを教えることも directions に含まれますか?具体的に教えた内容は、このあとに続く文章で詳述するとして。

はい、その通りです。「I gave directions to a foreign tourist.」という表現は、「私は外国人観光客に道順を教えた」という意味で、これには正しい電車の路線や乗り換え駅などを教えることも含まれます。具体的に何を教えたかは、この後に続く文章で詳述することが一般的です。英語学習頑張ってください!


