


In my previous post, I wrote about my trip to Kyoto, where I met an old friend who lives there.  We had a great time together, visiting places like the Shohaku Museum, which exhibits works by my favorite painter, Shoen Uemura, and other artists in the Japanese painting style.


I really enjoyed that day, but there were two things I regret.  They both occurred when I gave directions to a foreign tourist at Kintetsu Kyoto station.


While buying a ticket, I noticed a middle-aged man with blond hair looking intently up at the large Kintetsu route map on the wall.  He seemed to be having trouble finding out which train line to take  (the network is quite complex).


Seeing his troubled expression as he continued to study the route map for a couple of minutes, I decided to help him find the right train.


ここで最初の後悔事案が発生。"Hello"とか何にも言わずいきなり"Where are you going?"(どちらへ?)と話しかけてしまいました。それまでにその男性とは目が2、3回合ってたのでその男性は話かけられるのを期待してるはずだと思い、そうした言葉はいらないと思ったわけです。でも今思えば、やはり"Hello"とかで話し始めるべきでした。
The first thing I regret occurred at this moment.  I started off by asking him "Where are you going?" without even saying "Hello" or "Hi, there."  I didn't think those phrases were necessary, because our eyes had already met a few times before I spoke to him and I assumed he was expecting me to talk to him.   Thinking back, however, I should have started the conversation with "Hello!" or something similar. 


2つめの後悔は、男性が"Thank you, thank you"と言ってその場を去るときに、その言葉に何も返答せず、笑顔もなく、ただ頷き返しただけなこと。無愛想、というか失礼な印象を与えてその男性の気分を害してしまったかもしれません。"No problem.  Have a nice trip!"(たいしたことじゃないです。いいご旅行を)などと笑顔で返すべきでした。
The second regretful thing occurred when he said to me "Thank you, thank you." and left.  In response, I merely nodded back at him without saying anything or smiling.  I'm afraid that I may have come across as blunt or even rude, possibly offending him.  I should have responded with something like, "No problem.  Have a nice trip!" with a smile.


Why did I behave like that?  Well, I think that  there are two reasons: first, I impulsively started talking to him when I was certain he was in trouble.  I should have rehearsed what to say in my mind first.  Second, as far as I remember, I hadn't spoken English at all for three years and had forgotten how to talk politely.


Actually, I handled those aspects well when I gave directions to a foreigner in downtown Nagoya four years ago.  This was because at that time I was taking online English speaking lessons, which I quit three years ago, though.


Now, I'm considering taking online English speaking lessons again.  Perhaps AI can help me practice speaking English a lot, just as it helps me write English.  If I still feel like doing that in, say, two weeks, then I'll seriously consider taking those lessons provided by AI. (haha)


(That being said, I know I'll lose interest in taking those lessons in two weeks. haha.)






AI(Microsoft Bing)への質問

英語学習者です。例えば、I gave directions to a foreign tourist.  について、正しい電車や乗り換え駅などを教えることも directions に含まれますか?具体的に教えた内容は、このあとに続く文章で詳述するとして。

はい、その通りです。「I gave directions to a foreign tourist.」という表現は、「私は外国人観光客に道順を教えた」という意味で、これには正しい電車の路線や乗り換え駅などを教えることも含まれます。具体的に何を教えたかは、この後に続く文章で詳述することが一般的です。英語学習頑張ってください!


