



I often have dreams at night, or to be more precise, I remember dreams when I wake up.  And love my dreams because they are often like a movie with vivid images and unexpected stories.  Of course, not all dreams are pleasant, and some wake me up feeling uneasy, but such dreams are rare, and as far as I remember, I’ve never had nightmares.

photo by Hakusekimatori


Usually, dreams stay in my memory for a while after I get out of bed, but most of them, good or bad, disappear after I get ready for the day, except for some unforgettable dreams and their scenes. 



These are often exciting dreams with spectacular and magnificent scenes, and the excitement I felt watching those scenes lingers all morning, sometimes even the whole day.  I’m going to describe some of them.



Like Superman



I sometimes have a dream where I can fly like Superman.  It's really thrilling to take off vertically into the sky, dart through the clouds, and see an aerial view of the landscape changing quickly far down below.



I've flown over many different places, including big cities full of skyscrapers, mountains capped with white snow, and oceans with the horizon far away and huge clouds low over that line between the sky and the water.



One of the most impressive views I have ever witnessed was of the earth seen from an altitude where space shuttles orbit the earth.  I was watching its curvature and the thin layer of air around it, while floating in space wearing just ordinary clothes, not a spacesuit or inside a spacecraft.  The experience felt so direct and real that I was mesmerized, even awestruck by the magnificence of the view.   This feeling lingered throughout the day. 






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