



I like Ghibli's movies.  Their latest film “The Boy and the Heron” (原題:君たちはどう生きるか), is now showing in movie theaters.  I haven’t seen it yet, but I will in a couple of weeks, by then I guess most Ghibli fans have already seen it and the movie theater will not be so crowded.



When talking about Ghibli movies, you can't do without mentioning their music. 


ジブリの音楽も好きです。歌や曲、コンサート、好きなのがたくさんあります。特に、「久石譲 in 武道館 ~宮崎アニメと共に歩んだ25年間」のコンサートがお気に入り。

I love the Ghibli music, too.  There are many songs, tunes, and concerts of theirs that I like, and “Joe Hisaishi In Budokan: Studio Ghibli 25th Anniversary Concert” is one of them.



The concert was a massive event with 200 orchestra players on the stage, 800 chorus singers, adults and children, on both wings of the orchestra, and a huge movie screen at the back of the stage.  



How visually impressive they are!  Just seeing them, you can't help but expect the concert is going to be a great one. 



The concert starts with the drumming sound of the timpani breaking the silence, followed by the tense orchestration, and then a piano solo by Joe Hisaishi.  The music is "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.”



The following 30 minutes is my favorite part of the concert.  I’ve replayed it many times.  Every time I listen to it, I’m moved, my heart shaken by the sound that they produce.



The huge screen behind the orchestra shows memorable scenes from the movie as the music is playing, which doubles or even triples the enjoyment of listening to and watching the concert.



I’m writing this at a little past 4 AM, listening to the concert.  I’m afraid that, because of the time and the music, I’m not perfectly calm, which may be affecting this writing. (haha)







Photo by Hakusekimatori