

音のない騒音 その2


I previously wrote that my ears ring all the time.  I can even hear it in very noisy places like a subway platform where trains pull in and out roaring, because the ringing sound is so loud.


また、静かな夜、寝床の中にいても もちろん聞こえます。前の投稿ではこれを「音のない騒音」と呼びました。きょうも「音のない騒音」について書こうと思いますが、今回のは前のとは全く違います。

Of course, I can hear this noise when I'm in bed on a quiet night.  I called it "noise with no sound" in my previous post.   This time as well, I'll write about the "noise with no sound" situation, but a totally different one.


イラスト by Microsoft Bing


When I lived in Kobe, I sometimes went to clubs with live music in the downtown area.  I usually visited those places for jazz or rock music, but one night, for a change, I went with a friend to a small club to watch a punk band play live. 



As I expected, their nutty performance, like rolling around on the stage and smashing their guitar to the stage floor, was fun to watch, but their sound was far beyond my expectations.



The sound the band produced was unbelievably loud for such a small club.  As a result, I couldn't hear a word my friend, who was sitting next to me, was saying.  His mouth  moved like a goldfish opening or closing its mouth to breathe or catch prey at the water's surface.  His voice was completely drowned out by the band's sound, and none of his words reached my ear. 



 I'm not sure, but I guess that the immense pressure of the loud, low-pitched sound from the electric bass guitar temporarily pushed my eardrums to their limits, preventing them from vibrating.  I understand that without eardrum vibration, you can't hear any sound produced by air vibrations.  At that moment, I also couldn't hear my usual ear ringing, which, in a sense, means I was experiencing a total silence that I hadn't been able to experience since my ears started ringing.



After just a few songs, my friend and I got a headache and left the club.  This was my first and probably last experience of watching a punk band play live, and also perhaps the last time I will ever experience complete silence, unless I find myself again in an extremely noisy place that drowns out the ringing in my ear.






