



I think that when people are concentrating on doing something, they often tend to be careless about what’s going on around them.  This is true for me, and also seemed the same for a bird, which I encountered on a sunny day a couple of years ago.



I was driving my car along a two-lane country road with rice fields spreading on both sides, when I noticed a pigeon in my lane about a hundred yards ahead.  I slowed down, expecting the bird would fly away. 



However, it seemed to be occupied with pecking at something on the asphalt-paved road, and showed no sign of moving away even after I stopped my car right in front of it.  



While I was wondering whether to sound the horn or not, the pigeon finally started to walk leisurely to the roadside as if my car was not there.  Making sure the bird was not in my way, I started the car again. 



Looking at it getting smaller in the room mirror, I felt a bit concerned that it might get hit by a car sooner or later, and just hoped that it would never happen.



鳩のカップル (本文とは無関係)
by Hakusekimatori