



The picture of me being thrown off my motorbike.  Well, I went too far by saying “thrown off.” (haha)


I didn't go up high as the picture shows, but my motorbike and I just skidded across the road and slid into the grass on the other side, which cushioned the impact and saved me and my motorcycle from severe damage.


六甲山のワインディングロードのカーブを曲がってるときに転倒! 六甲山頂近くで道路の路肩から神戸の眺めを楽しんだ帰りの出来事です。

I fell off my motorbike while taking a curve on the winding road in the Rokko Mountain.  I was on my way home after enjoying the scenery of Kobe City at a roadside near the top of the mountain.  



It began raining after I turned a couple of bends tilting my body left and right.  Asphalt roads become more slippery when it first starts to rain.  Dust and water on the surface get mixed, creating such a condition.  I knew that, and I was extremely careful not to slip.  But not enough.  



Halfway through that bend, I noticed that my front tire had lost grip, and suddenly everything went black, sensing my body sliding on the road.  Luckily, my bike was skidding in parallel, a little apart from me, which meant it would not crush into my body.     



After sliding into the grass, I sat up and found a car stopped right in front of me.  That was close.   If I had fallen off a few seconds later, I would have crashed into the car.  



My helmet got scratches, gloves got holes, and the knees of my parts were torn.  Part of my motorbike's clutch lever broke off, but other than that, it was still workable.  I got home on that partly damaged bike.



During my time riding motorbikes, I had ridden three different ones.  I was sometimes a reckless rider, and had even driven on the highway at the speeds that I shouldn’t mention here,  but never had any accident, never close to death, except for this incident.   I might have been just lucky, maybe.



The second picture shows me hurtling through the wind. I didn’t wear a cloak though. (haha)



By Hakusekimatori