There are numerous videos on YouTube. On the site, I enjoy travel vlogs, music videos, movie trailers, and other videos that catch my attention. Among them, I especially like watching reaction videos, and I'm going to talk about them today.
Reaction videos are videos where a channel owner watches and reacts to a video, mainly music videos, expressing their impressions or showing their feelings and emotions.
It doesn't seem that reaction videos are so popular in Japan. I watched a lot of them, but as far as I know, only a few have been uploaded by Japanese channel owners. So I don't think there are many Japanese people who’ve watched reaction videos either.
Well, I’m not going to write here about the reasons why that is. Instead I’m going to write about how fun it is to watch reaction videos.
Among many reactions videos, I often watch reaction videos about Japanese musicians posted by English-speaking channel owners. It’s fun to see how they respond to my favorite songs and music, and it’s especially good to know they are sometimes really surprised and even moved by Japanese musicians and their music.
I feel happy to know that some Japanese musicians are popular overseas. I think that's the same as when Japanese people are happy to hear the news that Japanese athletes are active on the world stage.
そんなミュージシャンとして例えば、ONE OK ROCK。ONE OK ROCKは国内ですごく人気ですが、他の国でも同様だと思います。そのことは、ONE OK ROCKのリアクション動画の数からもわかります。
For an example of such a musician, let’s take ONE OK ROCK. They are very popular in Japan, and I believe they are in other countries too, judging from the fact that there are many reaction videos about them on YouTube.
ONE OK ROCKの数あるリアクション動画の中からひとつ(字幕付)
チャネル主:star larh
ONE OK ROCK - We Are |First Time REACTION |Nigerian Reacts Cried
reaction larh one ok rock we are
One of many reaction video about the band (The video has Japanese subtitles.)
Channel owner: star larh
Video title:
ONE OK ROCK - We Are |First Time REACTION |Nigerian Reacts Cried
Search keywords on YouTube:
reaction larh one ok rock we are
これは女性によるリアクション動画で、この女性はONE OK ROCKを見るのが初めてです。その反応の様子から彼女がすごく感動してるのがわかるし、実際、涙を抑えるのに苦労してる場面もあります。
This is a reaction video made by a woman. In the video, she listened to the band for the first time. Seeing her reaction, you see how much she was moved by the song. Actually she had trouble holding back her tears in some scenes.
ONE OK ROCKのファンの方なら、ONE OK ROCKが外国でも認められていることは既にご存じだと思いますが、もしONE OK ROCKに対するリアクション動画をまだ見たことがないのなら、一度ご覧になってみてください。ONE OK ROCKがもっと好きになるかもしれません。
If you are a fan of One Ok Rock, I think you already know that the band is acknowledged as a great rock band in some other countries too. However, if you haven’t watched reaction videos about the band, I recommend taking a look at them. You may like the band and Taka even more.
Taka(ONE OK ROCKのボーカル)は凄いです。表現豊かに感情を込めて歌います。ONE OK ROCKだけでなく、日本語の歌詞がわからなくても、外国の人を感動させ、彼らの心を震わせる日本のミュージシャンは他にもいます。
Taka, the band’s vocalist, is really amazing. His singing is expressive, imbuing much emotion into his songs. Not only ONE OK ROCK, but there are also other great Japanese musicians who really surprise and shake foreign viewers even if they don’t understand Japanese lyrics.
リアクション動画をたくさん見てきましたが、日本のミュージシャンは凄いし、外国と比べてユニークだと思うようになりました。 YouTubeのおかげで、日本の音楽を聴いてユニークで魅力的だと感じる外国の人が増えているのを嬉しく思います。
Having watched many reaction videos about Japanese musicians makes me think that Japanese musicians are really great, and unique compared to musicians in other countries. Because of YouTube, more foreigners have come to listen to Japanese music and to find them unique and fascinating. I’m really happy about that.
(字幕は変なところあり。動画中の字幕の「気持ち悪い」は sick 。これは褒め言葉です)
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