


I'm writing this listening to Azuma Aki, a 16-year-old Japanese singer, who I wrote about in a previous post.  She has an exceptionally captivating voice, singing various types of songs ranging from Enka (a unique style of Japanese sentimental ballad) to Ghibli songs, and her performances have touched the hearts of many people.  That is evident from the view counts on her Youtube videos: "Moppo No Namida (木浦の涙)," a well-known trot (Korean Enka) song, has received 2.3 million views in the past three months and a Ghibli song, "Always With Me (いつも何度でも)," 95 thousands in the past one month.   



Most of these views have come from Korea, because she sang these songs on a Korean TV music show.  Considering that she hadn't been famous before appearing on the program, I think that the view count reflects that she has captured the hearts of Korean viewers with her first appearance on the show.


Many comments from Korean people say that Azuma Aki is an amazing singer and even a child prodigy.  Some have gone so far as to say that she sang "Moppo No Namida" better than the nation's other professional singers—an astonishing feat.


According to Wikipedia, the song was originally released in Korea in the 1930s, and as far as I can guess from some comments about the song, it is so renowned that Korean professional singers can't sing it without great care.  She sang such a song, and Korean viewers of the video were surprised with the fact that a foreign young girl sang one of their classic trots really well.


During the TV show, she sang other Korean trot songs.  Her version of  "七甲山 (Chilgapsan)," another classic trot released in 1967, was the best one except for that of the original singer, some comments say.


What makes her songs so appealing to Korean audiences?  I believe it's a combination of her fascinating voice and her unique Enka technique.  I don't know about singing, so I use ordinary words to describe her singing: her singing voice has no quirks and is calm, effortless, and comfortable to hear across all keysーhigh, medium and low.  As for her Enka technique, she uses it skillfully and effectively. 


Vocal coaches could explain about her singing more convincingly, but whatever the reasons or explanations, the most important point is that the Enka songs she sings have something that resonates deeply with audiences.  I'd like you to watch the following YouTube video.


韓国の音楽番組のチャネル MBN MUSICから









(The English text is the original.)





ここのところ、この歌番組のYouTube動画をよく見てます(MBN MUSIC)。最近この番組で、松崎しげるさんが「愛のメモリー」を歌ってますが、これまたびっくり。今年で後期高齢者になるそうで、どんな風に歌うのか最初心配しましたが(失礼しました!)、なんのなんの、素晴らしい!!の一言です。コメントを読むと韓国の人もマジで感動。こちらの動画も良ければ是非。
