


季節外れの話題ですが、干支の十二支がすぐに出てきません(笑)。子(ね)、丑(うし)、寅(とら)、卯(う)、辰(たつ)、巳(み)。最初の6️つはいいんですが、問題は残りの6つ。酉(とり)、戌(いぬ)、亥(い)、そして、午(うま)、未(ひつじ)、申(さる)...  待てよ... 午(うま)、未(ひつじ)、申(さる)が、酉(とり)、戌(いぬ)、亥(い)の前でした。
I know this is an out-of-season topic: the twelve animals of the Japanese zodiac (similar to the Chinese zodiac) don't come out quickly (lol).  Ne (Rat), Ushi (Ox), Tora (Tiger), U (Rabbit), Tatsu (Dragon), Mi (Snake): these first 6 animals are OK.  The problem is the next 6 animals.  The following animals are Tori (Rooster), Inu (Dog), I (Boar), and then Uma (Horse), Hitsuji (Sheep) , Saru (Monkey)... Wait!  Uma (Horse), Hitsuji (Sheep) , Saru (Monkey) come before Tori (Rooster), Inu (Dog), I (Boar).

イラスト by Hakusekimatori

I wasn't 100 percent sure if they were correct, so I googled to check it: I was right.  Now the 12 zodiac animals come out very smoothly.  But, I'm sure that I will not be able to do so in a month.  I can't memorize the 12 zodiac animals (lol).  I've been like this since I first learned the Japanese zodiac, probably in elementary school.   I wonder how many times I've memorized it and how many times I've forgotten it.


I don't know why.  It's like I have some hidden mechanism in my brain that hinders me from memorizing the 12 Japanese zodiac animals.  Or, did someone curse me for that effect when I was in elementary school (haha)?  I have no memory of doing a thing that deserves the curse... Or did I? 



(The English text is the original.)


