



That day, I went to the end of a wharf at a nearby port and met my crow friend for the first time in a year.  As soon as I entered his territory, he (I knew it was male) seemed to fly over and perch on the fence behind me without my noticing.  I became aware of his presence by his shadow.

友達カラスと私 My crow friend and I


The crow moved to the guardrail in front of me to catch my attention.  He was staring at me, saying "give me some snacks, as usual."

I had watched a TV program where researchers had found that crows can memorize human faces, recognize individuals, and retain those memories for a couple of years.  So it was natural that he memorized and recognized me after a year of no sighting of me.   But experiencing that in person made me realize once again how intelligent crows are.




I first saw this crow two years before that day.   It perched on the top of a tall tree looking down at the road.  Being at the end of a wharf, the road was always deserted, occasionally with only a few cars parking along the fence of a factory premise, and the drivers were probably having lunch or taking a nap in their cars.  I would sometimes walk there to photograph water birds, especially migratory ones.


One day when I saw the crow, an interesting idea or experiment popped up in my mind.  I took out a piece of snack, which I usually have in my bag with a bottled drink when photographing birds.  Then I held it up high to catch the crow's attention, and once I was sure the bird was looking my way, I placed it on the road near the tree.  Lastly, I stepped back about 10 meters and observed the crow's behavior.


As I had expected, the crow landed close to the snack, picked up, and ate it.  This was the first interaction between us, and he memorized my face and recognized me as a human giving him food.  After that, when he saw me, he came near, staring at me.   He behaved that way only with me.  Occasionally, there were several anglers around, but I'd never seen him show any interest in them.  He knew that anglers would give him no food.



The next year of the snack experiment, when I went there to photograph little terns, the same crow flew over me.  I did the same as the year before, and got the same response from the bird.  How did I know it was the same bird I saw the year before?  The answer is simple: there were no other crows there except for its female mate.  Crows are territorial birds in their breeding season.   The end of the wharf was their territory, and there were no other crows around. 



So, how was I able to distinguish between the male and female in the crow couple? I observed their courtship feeding and subsequent behavior, which allowed me to identify their sexes. Even if only one bird flew over, I was able to tell it was the male, as the male always arrived first.




The picture below is the same crow in the pictures above.  He was looking at me sitting in my car from behind the grass, which reminds me of a once-famous TV program "The Housekeeper Witnessed It."   I've never watched it, though (haha).  


I occasionally drove to the end of a wharf at a nearby port.  My crow friend there knew that there was (were) human(s) in a car.   On top of that, he could identify the cars whose drivers had given him food.  He would fly over my car, and I saw him flying toward a truck and got some food from its driver through the window.


During the three years from when we first met and when I stopped photographing birds, I learned a lot about crows even though we met only in the little tern seasons.  He has surely crossed the rainbow bridge by now, and I wonder how he ended his bird life.  I hope he passed away peacefully at his usual roost.



(The English text is the original.)

(All photos by Hakusekimatori)