


I like walking slowly, and I usually do so unless I'm in a hurry. So, it's not rare that I'm walked past by someone coming behind me and see the person walking away, regardless of their age or gender.

It's not that I've been walking slowly since I grew up.  When in high school, I liked walking briskly. And in my twenties, thirties, and forties, I walked a bit faster than others. As far as I remember, it was after I turned my fifties that I intentionally started walking at a slower pace than others.  


I don't know why I came to like walking that way. Maybe one reason for that had something to do with moving here, a small town not so far from a big city, where the sea and a river are within walking distance. I think I grew to like walking slowly as I often strolled along the seaside and the riverside. 

I have to say one thing: I only walk slowly when walking alone. When with friends or colleagues, I walk at the same pace as them.  And when in very crowded places such as train station platforms during peak hours, I try to walk with the flow of the crowd. 


Oh, I almost forgot. When I lost about 15 kg over 3 months three years ago, I walked fast as aerobic exercise.

I think that walking slowly, or to be precise, ambling, is a small luxury in a sense.  You can't really" enjoy ambling" when you have some health problems or have something on your mind. It's not that I don't have them at all, but fortunately for now, they are not such big problems that I can temporarily set them out of my mind when I want to amble. I'm thankful that I'm now in such a relatively good situation.


When I was young, I sometimes felt a sense of satisfaction walking fast with long strides. But now, I feel happy just ambling, which proves I really got old, doesn't it? (haha)



(The English text is the original.)

(All photos by Hakusekimatori 本文とは無関係)



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I think that walking slowly, or to be precise, ambling, is a small luxury in a sense.  You can't really enjoy "ambling" when you have some health problems or have something on your mind.

を「ゆっくり歩く、正確にはのんびりリラックスして歩くのは、ある意味小さな贅沢だと思います。(以下省略。実際の質問では省略してません)....」と訳しました。amble は「のんびりリラックスして歩く」の意味で良いですか。



はい、"amble" は「のんびりリラックスして歩く」という意味で適切です。文脈に合った表現ですので、そのまま使って問題ありません。
