


今日は、東亜樹さんと彼女が出演するMBN MUSICについてです。
Today, I'm going to write about Azuma Aki and MBN MUSIC, where she appears. 


東亜樹さんについては何回か(ここここここで)書いてます。彼女は17歳の歌手で、すごく魅力的な声でいろんな曲を歌います。そしてMBN MUSICは、韓国の放送会社のYouTubeチャンネルで、同社の音楽番組から選ばれた動画がアップされてます。今日はこのチャンネルについて、もう少し詳しく書いていきます。
I've written a couple of times about Azuma Aki, a seven-teen-year old Japanese female singer who sings various songs with her really attractive voice (here, here, and here). And MBN MUSIC is a YouTube channel owned by a Korean broadcasting company. The channel has many videos selected from their TV music shows. I'll write about the channel in a bit more detail today.


MBN MUSICは、日本の歌謡曲、特に昭和・平成の演歌に似たトロットというのをメインにしています。プロの歌手が、数年前や10年前、あるいはもっと昔の、かつて人気のあったトロット曲を歌います。韓国の音楽についてはよく知らないので間違ってるかもしれませんが、コメントを見ると、トロットでない曲も含まれているようで、それらは韓国の伝統的な曲をベースにしたものだったりするようです。
The MBN MUSIC channel features trot songs, which are similar to Japanese popular songs, especially to Enka (a unique style of sentimental ballad) from Japan's Showa and Heisei eras. On the show, Korean professional singers sing once very popular trot songs, some from several to ten years ago, some much older. I'm not very familiar with Korean music, so I may be wrong, but judging from some comments on the channel, some songs may not be trot songs as they are said to be based on some traditional Korean music.


I don't remember well how I first learned about this channel, but maybe YouTube recommended it to me. When I first watched a video in April, I was impressed that a Japanese singer was singing in Japanese and receiving a lot of applause from the Korean audience in a huge TV recording studio. I thought songs in Japanese were not usually aired in KoreanTV shows. Another impressive thing was the reactions of the singers on the stage, who were sitting on both sides and whose reactions were aired with their voices picked up by the microphones. At first, I felt such reactions were unnecessary, but as I've watched this channel for a few days, I've got used to it and even started to like the performer's reactions (haha).





I read somewhere that this TV show had only been planned to continue for a month, or just in April, but it got much higher ratings than usual thanks to the Japanese singers, making it a regular program. The Korean audience seemed surprised that the Japanese singers sang very well and that they were almost nameless in Japan. The Korean audience was especially shocked with "Yuki No Hana" sung by Utagogoro Rie, and its view count of the song is now ranked third on the channel's most viewed list.


Azuma Aki also really shocked the Korean audience with her rendition of "Moppo No Namida" (Tears in Moppo). She sang it in Korean, and some comments say her version of the song is the best ever, except for the original singer's. 


Some Japanese comments mention that the Korean broadcasting company's music show is much better than Japanese ones. I have no opinion about this because I haven't watched Japanese TV music shows for more than twenty years and don't know what they are like at all.  But one thing is for sure: this show is fun to watch, mainly because of Japanese singers and Azuma Aki, and partly due to some Korean trot singers who have become my favorites.




I still have more to write about the channel, but I'll post about them in the near future.



(The English text is the original.)



今日は、MBN MUSICの基本的なところを書きました。補足しておくと、番組では韓国のトロットだけでなく、日本の昭和・平成の歌謡曲も、日本や韓国の歌手によって日本語や韓国語で歌われてます(雪の華、ギンギラギンにさりげなく、奥飛騨慕情、恋の予感などなど多数)。




一番書きたいことは他にあって、次回のMBN MUSICについての投稿では、そのことを英文で書きたいと思います。


ー おまけ ー

