


Mrs. Eさんへ、

Hi, Mrs. E

Thank you for commenting here in English.  It's refreshing to see a foreign language in my comment section.  Well, I'm a bit nervous.  I haven't written anything in English for years.  Anyway, I am grateful that you gave me an opportunity to write English again.

イラスト by Microsoft Bing

Mrs. Eさんへ
Thank you for your comment.  You have a lot of energy and so does your older sister.  Her life story is like a movie or something.  I am really impressed.  She has been fortunate to meet good people in her life. 

Mrs. Eさんへ 
またまた素晴らしいお話です! Eさんはほんとにお話をするのが上手いですね。モンゴルはテレビや映画でしか知りませんが、お話を読んでいて、Eさんがモンゴルの広大な草原を背景に、馬に跨って微笑んでいる姿が目に浮かびます。
Oh again, what a wonderful story!  You are really a good story-teller!  I only know Mongolia from watching TV and movies, but because of your descriptive narration, I can picture you on horseback, smiling against the magnificent backdrop of the vast Mongolian grassland.


Mrs. Eさんへ (質問に答えて


(Answering a Question from Mrs. E)
Yes, I did have a girlfriend back then, a college student who lived in Hiroshima.  I lived in Kobe at that time, so we were in a long-distance relationship.  We first met on our seperate trips to the Hokuriku region, on a train leaving Kanazawa for Fukui.  I was 23 and she was 21.   



I went to Hiroshima to see her every month for about two years and we usually hung around the downtown area, and once in a while went to tourist spots like Miyajima Island. 



I have a lot of good memories of her.  She was a cheerful, active, and beautiful girl.  She actually won a local beauty contest once.  



I wish I could simply cherish those good old memories without regretting my actions.  But I can't.  Simply put, I wasn't good to her.


A couple of years after we broke up, I got a call from her and we met in Kobe.  We spent some time together, like going for a drive.  She said she had been married.  I didn't ask why she had called me.  



After saying goodbye, I closed the car door, and stepped on the accelerator, her reflection in the rearview mirror getting smaller and smaller.  That was the last I saw of her.



Answering your simple question, I wrote too much.  I might regret this later.







Draw an image of three writing papers with hand-written English sentences on it. The papers are on the desk.(手書きの英文の書かれた3枚の便箋の絵を描いてください。便箋は机の上にあります)