



Coffee is my favorite drink.  I may be exaggerating, but I feel that it's indispensable to my everyday life.  



In the morning before getting to work, I have a cup of coffee to prepare myself mentally for the day's challenges.  At lunchtime, I have a cup of coffee to recharge my batteries for the second half of the day.  Then after work, in a coffee shop or on a station platform, I enjoy a cup or can of coffee, looking back on the day's work or planning how to spend the evening.  


photo by Hakusekimatori



Just having a cup of coffee makes me feel refreshed and mentally ready for whatever will come next.





I wrote this more than ten years ago.  My daily life pattern now is different from when I wrote it.  But I still love coffee and have at least two or three cans of coffee almost every day.  This amount of coffee may be too much, especially when it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, which I wrote in a previous post.



Probably I don't need to worry so much.  I read somewhere on the net that a couple of cups of coffee a day can have positive effects on your health.  I can't remember specifically what they are, but I do that some studies show a moderate amount of coffee can reduce the risk of certain diseases.



You can't always trust information found online, and this information about coffee might not be accurate.  But whether it is or not, I've had no health problems that could be attributed to having too much coffee.  So, it seems to be okay for me to continue drinking coffee as I have been.



I love coffee, and it still makes me feel as refreshed and mentally ready for whatever will come next as it did more than ten years ago.



By the way, I'm not at all particular about the taste and flavor.  Any coffee is fine as long as it can be called coffee. (haha)





